
Prolific 讓RS232週邊變成USB隨插即用 (9 Pin)35CM,支援最新Windows Vista,ROHS無鉛製程,外銷機種,行動環保∼
Prolific 讓RS232週邊變成USB隨插即用 (9 Pin)35CM,ROHS無鉛製程,外銷機種,行動環保∼
- 本商品採用Prolific晶片,相容性於各作業系統
- USB埠供電的 USB to RS-232 8 Port Cable
- 標準 USB轉 RS-232, DB9公接頭
- 支援最新Windows Vista,Driver for Windows Vista(PL2303)
- 容易安裝,隨插即用
- 模擬的UART之Baud Rate支援到115200
- ROHS無鉛製程,外銷機種,行動環保∼
- 支援PDA、56K 數據機、 滑鼠、數位相機、衛星定位器
- Bus powered / Power Free
- 1 USB to 8 ports RS-232
- Standard USB To 8 RS-232 Adapter
- Easy to install , Plug & Play
- PDA RS-232 Port support
- 56K Modem support
- Serial Mouse support
- Serial PC camera support
- Max speed:115200 bps
- RS-232 for DTE Mode
- Fully compliant with USB Spec.
- For Win-98/se/me , Win-2000
- Win-NT up 5.0 Ver,Win-XP
- MAC OS. 8.6 up ,Linux
- Prolific Chip (No LED Indicate)
- USB1.1 & USB2.0 compatible
- RS-232 -- DB9 / M + cable * 8
- Head cable length
1. 15cm (USB)
2. 15cm (Y cable )
3. 5cm ( Head 1 )
4. 15cm ( Head 2 )
5. 27cm ( Head 3 )
6. 39cm ( Head 4 )
- DB-9 Pin assignment
Pin1 : DCD Pin2 : RXD Pin3 : TXD ==> OUT
Pin4 : DTR ==> OUT
Pin5 : GND
Pin6 : DSR Pin7 : RTS ==> OUT
Pin8 : CTS Pin9 : RI

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